How to Install Docker, Docker Compose, and Portainer on OpenMediaVault Using OMV-Extras

This guide will walk you through the steps to get Docker, Docker Compose, and Portainer set up on OpenMediaVault

OpenMediaVault (OMV) is a powerful and flexible NAS (Network Attached Storage) solution based on Debian Linux. By leveraging OMV-Extras, you can easily install Docker, Docker Compose, and Portainer to manage your containers efficiently. This guide will walk you through the steps to get everything set up.


  • A running instance of OpenMediaVault (preferably version 6 or later).
  • Basic knowledge of SSH and command-line operations.
  • Internet access to download necessary packages.

Step 1: Install OMV-Extras

OMV-Extras is a plugin that extends the functionality of OpenMediaVault by adding additional repositories and plugins.

SSH into your OMV server: Open a terminal and connect to your OMV server using SSH.

ssh your-username@your-omv-ip

Install OMV-Extras: Run the following commands to download and install OMV-Extras.

wget -O - | bash

Step 3: Enable Docker Repository

  1. Access OMV Web Interface: Open your web browser and navigate to the OMV web interface (usually http://your-omv-ip).
  2. Enable Docker Repo: Go to System > OMV-Extras and enable the Docker repository. Click Save and then Apply.

Step 3: Install Docker Compose

Docker Compose is now part of the openmediavault-compose plugin. Search for openmediavault-compose in the plugins section, select it and click on Install button, check the Confirm box and click Yes to install it.

Wait for the OpenMediaVault Compose plugin installation complete, then press Close.

Now the Compose section should appear under Plugin menu:

Step 4: Create user for docker

Go to Users -> Users > Create User to create a new user call appuser. For the Shell scetion, we don't need this account using terminal so choose usr/sbin/nologin. For Groups, choose users. Then click Save, and Apply.

Step 5: Configure Docker

  1. Create a Shared Folder for Docker: Go to Storage > Shared Folders and create a new shared folder named dockerdata on your desired volume.
  2. Create a shared folder for compose file: dockerdata/appdata as shown in the pictures above.
  3. Similarly, create a shared folder for compose file: dockerdata/backup_compose.
  4. Create a shared folder for docker file: dockerdata/docker
  5. Create a shared folder for data file in the main HDD (to define a path to a shared folder using the CHANGE_TO_COMPOSE_DATA_PATH variable): data
  6. Set Docker Storage Path: Go to Services > Docker > Settings. Set the Docker storage path to the shared folders you have created. Click Save and then Apply.

Step 5: Install Portainer

Portainer is a lightweight management UI that allows you to easily manage your Docker environments.

  1. Install Portainer: Go to Services > Compose > Files. Click on Add from example and select portainer. Name it portainer and click Save.
  2. Deploy Portainer: In the same Compose section, click on the Up arrow to deploy Portainer. This will download and start the Portainer container.
  3. Access Portainer: Open your web browser and navigate to http://your-omv-ip:9000. Follow the setup instructions to configure Portainer.


By following these steps, you should have Docker, Docker Compose, and Portainer up and running on your OpenMediaVault server. This setup allows you to manage your containers efficiently and take full advantage of the powerful features OMV offers.